Dec 10, 2010


剛剛下班直接去 gym 跑步加重訓。已經三四個禮拜都沒做任何運動了。難怪我這幾天一直感覺到處在嚴重的低潮期,都快要開始懷疑起我是不是也荷爾蒙失調了。

都怪我太怕麻煩,天氣稍微冷一點點就懶得去運動。但最可怕的是我一直到今天才突然想到很可能這幾天來的無精打采就是因為沒運動造成的。連今天早上寫的文章看起來都如此 pathetic. 太不敏銳了。於是我決定來列出我的不開心原因一覽表。以後如果有連著幾天不太有精神, 進而導致不開心 (基本上我不開心的原因 99.7% 跟沒精神有關), 我就可以來檢查一下是哪一個點沒做到,而不要像這次一樣傻傻地讓自己消沉這麼久。



昨天是 2010.12.9., marked my 7-year anniversary since I formally immigrated to the U.S.

觀察一下現在的生活,發現跟在 SF intern 時有很多相似的地方。床是 queen-size 床墊, 放在一模一樣的一個 ikea malm box 裡。都是直接跟別人買的。睡覺時手腳可以延伸出去,碰到涼涼的木頭。我也很自然地跟以前一樣把手機就放在 box 的邊緣上。

都是一樣地規律生活,每天天還沒亮就起床。不一樣的是在 SF 那間 apt.房間冷冰冰的。在這裡暖氣有點過強,而且就算把栓子關到最緊也照樣很熱又很乾。乾到我每天都抓癢抓到破皮流血。這個問題嚴重地困擾著我。突然想到去年在費城買的增濕器一次都沒用過就丟掉了。想不到現在需要它了。

最近很冷,冷到想出門散個步,走沒半小時又龜回室內;原本下車後走七分鐘就會到公司,現在總感覺為什麼還沒到;地鐵變得更擁擠,比起夏天時的穿著,每個人都加胖好幾公分;通勤也因此變得更加難以忍受。我發現拿一本書看的好處就是幫助我渡過那難受的十五、二十分鐘,不曉得是否因為如此紐約地鐵上看東西的人比例那麼高。做什麼事都因為天氣的關係而不順,也難怪會有很多人有 SAD (seasonal Affective Disorder),我覺得我好像不知不覺也染病了。

這陣子沒有在念精算的考試,所以可以算是過著一般上班族過得生活:回家後時間就是自己的。目前覺得該是 switch field 的時候了。不是很想一直做跟 finance 有關的東西,technology or science 對我來說比較有成就感。發現要換領域還不是件容易的事,特別是大學沒修過這些課,現在要補只能自修或是再念一個 M.S., 代價滿高的。真是頭痛!這幾年來住的地方換來換去,念書, intern, 工作的方像也都差很多,慢慢地變成了一個 Jack of all trades. 真慘。到最近才知道,原來沒耐性的個性對我傷害不少,很多事情都是因為這樣所以才做不好。不論是短期方面做一件事會做不好,甚至長期方面的 decision making, 也間接因為沒耐性而缺乏長遠的考量。


Dec 1, 2010

Thanksgiving Trip to SD

Christine picked me up at the airport. She looked so pale. I was expecting to see her happy and cheery face. But there's none of that. I thought she looked a little strange but didn't realize what it was. Now I know. She's scare to death by the airport traffic. Poor baby. I guess the twenty-minute drive to the airport was so stressful that all her facial expression vanished.

But even after a few days I still think that there's something missing for the trip. There wasn't enough conversations going back and forth among us. The closest to a 4-way conversation I could think of was when we were having the rose discussion in the Balboa Park.

After this trip, I think there's no way I can live in California any more. That kind of lifestyle would kill me in a few days.

Here's my little thoughts/comparison to my North Carolina trip:

Both are rural. Dead quiet at home. Drive to get to everywhere.

looks dirty and worn-out at some places
Southern fast food, fried chicken restaurants; not enough Asian food
Drive in the woods

San Diego:
consistently clean
Clean air, clean road, beautiful buildings, gorgeous coves and downtown
Plenty of Asian food, others, high class seafood
Drive in a desert

At least for me, it appears that the all-time popular city San Diego doesn't even match up to a lesser-known city in the east coast!! The moral is: I probably won't consider moving back to California for a while.

Sep 13, 2010


My accent-less English has again and again made people completely unaware of the fact that I am not born and raised in the U.S., and that I do not understand/know what they are talking about.

Hm.....maybe I should start talking back in Chinese whenever someone say something that makes me uncomfortable.

This is something that's been bothering me for years, and it's getting worse.

Sep 8, 2010

It's about time

To start doing what I think is right, and stop being open-minded to all the shallow ideas out their. Let the more sophisticated teach you some lessons, fool.

Aug 31, 2010

Niagara Falls Trip

上一次這麼開心的trip,可能要追溯到大二升大三暑假的那次 redwood national park road trip. 當初大學畢業,很想來個全家旅遊,至少也可以找朋友出去玩,後來都沒有成行。這兩年經歷了這輩子最窮困的生活,也都沒有機會出國。我的人生又再次開始了,該是繼續到處看看東弄弄西弄弄的時候了,過自己想過的人生吧!





Aug 23, 2010


這幾個禮拜多虧 David 有約我,weekend 跟他出去認識了不少新的朋友。聽他講了很多 interview 的故事,還認識了高神,開開眼界真是暢快。果然在錢多的地方就會吸引到很多厲害人物,而且這裡的人每個的胃口都非常大,能力強,見識廣,眼光高。我當初很想來這邊很大的原因也是因為這裡人文薈萃。與其說人文薈萃不如說重賞之下必有勇夫,但總之我已經不知不覺得在享受開眼界的快感了!

這個 weekend 也找到機會好好地跟我爸溝通一下。感覺舒暢多了。我常常把問題想得太複雜,覺得很複雜又會更加不爽。其實 everything is easy. Easy. No task is difficult if you break it up into smaller pieces.

目前上班了五個禮拜,發現 Monday and Friday 真是 slow. 大家都有來上班,但其實都沒在上班。Productivity 極差。上面的人懶散,下面的人也開心。看到公司的 client list 還真是強大。大的 organization 要 efficient 還真不容易。感覺很多時間都花在 communication 上面。那天跟一個 colleague 聊天,他說他兩年前進來時,經常做到八點多九點才回家,去年底開始很多 analyst 的工作都外包給 Canadians, 所以現在閒很多。我就問他:Oh, so how does it feel, going through this transition?". As funny as he is, this one made my day: " I feel like I'm gonna lose my job." he said.


Aug 16, 2010


在美國的這六年,除了中間去過一次日本之外,根本沒有出過國。跟別的人比起來我也很少到處去旅行。每次看到別人facebook profile 上的〈去過哪些國家〉app.,我都覺得可惡,我輸地實在太難看了,根本不想用那個app. 可是奇怪我總覺得我也常常跑來跑去啊,為什麼都沒出過國呢?

後來終於想通了,因為很多人能去過很多地方是因為短短幾天就跑了好多個國家。我似乎是比較傾向直接搬到那裡住的那種玩法。我覺得要住一段時間才感受得到生活在當地的感覺是什麼。就像我搬來紐約一樣。我今天去買菜,明天去沿著 Hudson River 跑步,後天搭公車去吃拉麵。比起密集的假期行程,我好像更喜歡這種方式的旅遊。難怪有時候看別人去玩的照片很羨慕,可是真的叫我去我反而不會很衝動。畢竟搬家換環境也是花錢花心力,而且也都有在接觸心事物。


Aug 9, 2010

Haven't felt like this for a while

It's been tough for me the past couple weeks. I'm a little bit lost.
Tonight I lie on my bed before 12, but couldn't calm myself down. I am so disappointed at myself. Why is that every time I seem to make up my mind to do something, yet I can't follow through. I took the time to set up my goals and set reasonable time line. But I kept moving away from my schedule. Could it be that I wasn't even following my heart? That I was forcing myself to do things that I don't want to do?

Guess that is the case. Yeah, it feels much better with my new goals printed out, lying on my desk in front of me. I

Aug 4, 2010



5/13 考完 MLC, 接著就開始在找房子。花了整整一個月,在紐約過了三次夜,才找到我的窩。
兩個禮拜後,6/28 我搬到 NY. 在幾乎可以說是最後一刻才把我的車賣掉。在 craigslist 登廣告一直被 flag. 然後一 flag 就要等 48 小時才能再 post. 真得很險。要是搬來後還沒賣掉就慘了。

搬來後,weekend 去 Joe 家兩次,拿了我姊給我的東西,兩次都快累死了,東西又重路途又遠。

上工三個禮拜以來的感想:覺得我還真的很適合 consulting 這種工作環境。

Jul 12, 2010

First day of work TMR

Let me quickly jot down how I feel right now. Don't have time to write a full essay. Too much eamailing back and forth with people. But it feels good to get an unexpected long replies.

Sure, I've been very happy for myself and proud of what I have accomplished. But I am also worried that I will have to deal with not-understanding-what-others-say, and have to smile through jokes that I don't get or don't think funny, and not be able to make funny but appropriate comments...etc. I always find a lot of pleasure when I get along well with people. But it's gonna be very hard in this new corporate environment.

A new friend I met yesterday said to me: "But you'll be fine, you've got personality." Now that I think about it more, it might be a the biggest advice for me. I shouldn't be too timid or uptight in the way I behave.

That's it. Problem solved. Time for bed, Phil. You are about to enter a whole new world.

Feb 21, 2010

First time to ski in two years

I've always been kind of lazy to go skiing because I don't want to deal with all the hassles associated with it. But it's still very fun once I get on the slope.

One of my friends sprained her ankle pretty badly today. Finally, someone's gonna take over my crutches. Being such a environmental friendly person, I don't want to see it go into waste. (assuming that that someone is going to get hurt someday anyway).

Hmm.....seems like a lot of people, me included, don't know how dangerous this sports can be without a certain level of knowledge. It's never a pleasant thing to see other people get hurt. I wouldn't mind spending a few bucks to take a lesson to learn the basics.

Feb 14, 2010

Lunar New Year's Eve


今日最開心的就是 Avis 畫紙鎮被我猜出來,真是有意思。

Feb 13, 2010

Job Search

According to an article I read on yahoo finance, on average, there are 6.1 people per 1 available job opening in Dec. 2009, compared with 3.4 people in Dec. 2008.

This number is quite astounding, even after hearing so many stories from my friend about how hard it is to get a job. Some of them are hard to believe. For me, I got a 2nd round offer from one firm but later on having it rescinded a couple weeks later. I emailed back asking for at least a reason. Didn't hear back from her again.

This reminds me of a funny reply to a rejection letter.

hahaha, maybe one day I would send out something like this, preferably on April 1st.

The other day I was telling myself it's time that I watched some TV shows and relaxed a bit. So I turned on the TV and started watching Seinfeld.

Whoa, it turns out that it's such a funny show. I like it a lot. Kramer's hilarious, he shakes when he talks and then he glides into the apartment as if that's how one should enter an apartment. hahaha. I wonder why young people don't talk about this show.

Feb 11, 2010

2009 年下半到現在

先記一下張博威的一個好笑事蹟:「來來來我唱一首Albee 好可憐給你聽。」 hahaha, 這故事很有流傳價值!隔天早上還跟我去了DC,買了兩雙 Georgetown 襪子回去跟小Daniel磕頭。

12/1 是個大日子,我去 New York interview. This is the 2nd round, if I pass I'm in.
12/11 是個大日子,早上十一點左右,我接到電話──I finally got an offer.

12/9 Bruce 來 Philly 玩,我們去看 Allen Iverson. 天啊!他就站在離我不到十公尺的地方。




10/25 去 Saint Louis 參加我表姊的婚禮,我們這輩的第一個。

12/17 Calculus Review Session 來了六十個人有吧,我一個人在那邊解題解了三小時,後來腳很痠。這算是我的 Final.

這是我見過最花時間的 calculus course, especially for TAs. 不但班大 (160人) 還有七班同樣的課要一起 coordinate. 要給 common midterm 要另外找時間,每次考試都從晚上七點改改改改到凌晨一點才回家。又有非常難的 supplementary practice problems 要解釋,出題的教授還不給解答。光是改作業、出小考 + 登記成績每個禮拜至少五小時跑不掉,。$5000塊一學期,真是血汗錢。

但我還是非常慶幸當初有找到這份工作。想當初 summer 先是去了 DC 的活動兩星期,接下來 一邊搬家一邊要念精算考試,中間還跑去 Vegas,搬玩家新家還要找人來住剩下的兩個房屋,加上要買車,看似時間很充裕的暑假,也是這樣就過了,根本沒辦法專心找 fall 的工作。這已經是我這輩子最窮最窮的一段時間了,當時是無論如何一定要找到一份可以糊口的工作的。

還好有申請上 TA, 而且教 math,這算是最棒的工作吧。讓我教喜歡的數學,又可以練習上臺說話,而且讓我這個沒在上課的人有一種還是待在學校裡的歸屬感。嗯,真舒服。

帶我的這個講師人很好,我也認識了很多同樣是TA Math 104 的人,其中有一些是 Penn undergrad 就當 TA 的頂尖學生,他們四年就拿到 B.S. + M.S.,真省時間。
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