Feb 10, 2011

Word of the Day

get posterized: 原意是指被別人在頭上灌籃而成為海報(poster)上被羞辱的人。用法很接近中文講的被"定"了,不一定要用在籃球上。
Ex: A: "Did you just get posterized?"
      B: "Totally.That guy has no mercy "

get chewed out: 被臭罵.
Ex: A: "Hey, why the long face?"
      B: "Sigh...just got chewed out by my boss."

temperamental: moody, 情緒不穩定
Ex: That guy is way too temperamental to be a good manager.

Ex: A: "I've heard that he's a great consultant."
      B: "No way, all he does is sound quizzical on the phone. "

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