Feb 13, 2010

Job Search

According to an article I read on yahoo finance, on average, there are 6.1 people per 1 available job opening in Dec. 2009, compared with 3.4 people in Dec. 2008.

This number is quite astounding, even after hearing so many stories from my friend about how hard it is to get a job. Some of them are hard to believe. For me, I got a 2nd round offer from one firm but later on having it rescinded a couple weeks later. I emailed back asking for at least a reason. Didn't hear back from her again.

This reminds me of a funny reply to a rejection letter.

hahaha, maybe one day I would send out something like this, preferably on April 1st.

The other day I was telling myself it's time that I watched some TV shows and relaxed a bit. So I turned on the TV and started watching Seinfeld.

Whoa, it turns out that it's such a funny show. I like it a lot. Kramer's hilarious, he shakes when he talks and then he glides into the apartment as if that's how one should enter an apartment. hahaha. I wonder why young people don't talk about this show.

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