Aug 14, 2011

原來 trader 真的是這樣

上星期一去面試了一家小的 trading firm 在 Wall st. 上。那個人叫我不用穿西裝來,所以很方便,我就利用中午的時間來一下。

裡面很小,寫著一個 Law Firm 的名字,想說應該是 share office, 但總該有個招牌吧。一進去裡面三個人坐在那裡, 兩個看起來不超過24歲的白人坐在一個橢圓形大桌子的對面,靠近門口是一個中年男子微胖,穿牛仔褲帶眼鏡,他說,Hi 你好!我就是 xxx 。

於是我們去一間 conference room interview. 與其說是 interview, 不如說是個 sales pitch. 他在告訴我當 trader 的好處。一開頭就說:"So, you want to be a trader huh?"  講到後來我都覺得已經不像 interview 了。

他在紙上畫著一個股價曲線圖,然後指著圖中的高點跟低點說: In a typical day, stock prices go up and down many times. Let's say we are not that good we buy 100 shares at $12 here, sell it at $14, making $200. Not bad for an hour's work, right!  If you are good, you buy 300 shares at $10 here, sell it at $20 here, boom! $3000 dollars in 2 hours!! Then you just go home! Do whatever you want...i don't know...get a hooker and get sucked! you know? whatever!
我: ㄜ.......呵呵呵 (乾笑數聲)

他: You are a tool, working at a corporation. I come in, I wear t-shirt and jeans, nobody's telling me what to wear. Fuck it! If I want to wear suit I wear suit. Fuck those guys!

他:So what do you do now?
我:  I calculate people's retirement benefit, value there retirement plan etc....
他:  I once had a 401k account, but then i sold it, you know why? Fuck it , I don't need it.

我: So there's no base salary?
他: You want salary? Go work for the fucking UPS? (pointing at the window)

他:5 to 7 years I'm gonna retire. Gotta have a goal, young man! When I was a kid, I wanted to buy an island one day. But with all the global warming and shit, you know, fuck it ! I'm just gonna retire and move to Europe and enjoy good food.

短短的四十分鐘我聽他講了超過20次 fuck it , 配上他亞美尼亞的口音, 真是另我印象深刻的 interview. 其實是看我要不要去而已。他根本沒差。5000 deposit, 多賺的錢公司拿一成我拿九成。最多虧到 5000。如果不幹了,5000 要一年後才能拿回來。training 他一對一教我, 然後可以看 shine room 的 live broadcast 看高手怎麼 trade.

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