Jan 30, 2011

Word of the Day

privy to:有利害關系的, 知道秘密的
They are often privy to private information.
knock-down-drag-out: extremely violent
a knock-down-drag-out affair between the buyers and the sellers

以下是一些用字遣詞非常漂亮的語句,摘錄自一封ESL老師 Stephen Dalton 的信,供大家欣賞:

Various factors collude to disincentivize students from openly participating in class.
Many professors regard their jobs as sinecures, and thus deliver the most stultifying lectures imaginable.
The norms for learning center on careful attention and mimicry, not free-flowing dialectic
Add to this stew of factors that the university....
I descended into an original tunnel (not the bored-out simulacrum reserved for tourists.
I wasn’t transported in the same way as when I visited Tikal almost 20 years ago.
My malady really crimped the research I had been hoping to do.
I was amazed by how the denizens would let life’s impositions roll off their back.
The walls are dowdy, the tatami is lumpy, and the kitchen light lacks a valance
I couldn’t figure out why my building isn’t at capacity.
that thanks to constant internecine battles
Monikers aside, I was ready to try anything.
This isn't the most commodious time to visit Bali
So what if I have to air out the place after each session?
-Heed my advice: do not go in August!

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